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Our services



The PAT Test


1.  We start the test by giving the appliance a visual inspection, this includes looking for:

- The correct fuse

-  Incorrectly wired plugs

-  Broken casing

-  Exposed wires

-  Damaged plugs

-  Correct type of cable for appliance


2.  We then use our industry standard PAT testing equipment to perform:

-  Earth bond test

-  Insulation test


3.  We can also offer these extra tests:

-  Plug socket test

-  Polarity test (power cables)

-  Microwave leakage test


4.  We then lable the appliance PASS or FAIL. It is given a unique number, can be referenced in the logbook you recieve on completion of the tests.


5.  When the tests are complete on all appliances you will recieve:

-  Digital copy of asset, application register and test certificate (via email)

-  Hard copies (if needed)






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